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Welcome "The Verdict" Readers

Last year I had the pleasure of authoring an article addressing social media use by lawyers at the invitation of David Bilinsky, who works as a Practice Management Advisor at the Law Society of BC.
The article has now been published in issue 134 of TLABC’s The Verdict.  For those of you visiting for the first time after reading this article  welcome!    Below are a list of some of my more popular archived topics.  Feel free to browse around and contact me if you have any questions about the topics canvassed in the article.
Facebook Use in BC Personal Injury Litigation
Indivisible Injury Caselaw Comments
Examination for Discovery Caselaw Developments
Judicial Criticism of Expert Witness Advocacy
BC Supreme Court Costs Cases
Mitigation of Damages
Expert Witness and Independent Medical Exam Caselaw Archives
Rule 15 Caselaw Developments
And just for fun, an off-topic post which proved to be the most visited article published here.