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Tag: ICBC Projected Profits

ICBC Projects Nearly $1Billion in Profit From 2013-2016 ; Government Profit Scoops to Continue

It’s that time of year again.  With the BC Government’s Budget also comes ICBC’s 2014-2016 Service Plan.  As always, these documents give insight into the actual and projected financial health of ICBC.
ICBC is projecting nearly $1 Billion in profits from 2013-2016 and the Government plans to scoop an average of $160 Million annually over this period.
The below excerpt is from the Budget:
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia: ICBC’s net income is forecast to average
$214 million annually over the fiscal plan period. The outlook assumes average annual
growth of 1.7 per cent in the number of insured vehicles and a 4.0 per cent average
annual increase in claims costs. Over the fiscal plan period, ICBC is forecast to remit an
annual average $160 million of its excess Optional insurance capital to the consolidated
revenue fund to support core government services.
Here are the details of ICBC’s projected financial performance over this period:


ICBC Projects Almost $1 Billion in Net Income From 2012-2015: Government Plans $539 Million Profit Scoop

The BC Government’s 2013-2014 Budget has just been released.  Included in the documents is ICBC’s Service Plan for 2013-2015 which reports robust net profit expectations.  Below I reproduce the Crown Corporation’s Summary Financial Outlook.  It is noteworthy that this current projection is up over 200 Million from ICBC Projections for 2012-2014 released last year.
The Government also reports a planned $539 Million profit scoop for ‘core government services’ with the Budget and Fiscal Plan reporting as follows:
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia – ICBC’s net income outlook is forecast at
$257 million in 2013, $222 million in 2014 and $205 million in 2015. The outlook
assumes average annual growth of 1.5 per cent in the number of insured vehicles and
a 3.6 per cent average annual increase in claims costs. Over the fiscal plan period,
ICBC is forecast to remit $539 million of its excess Optional insurance capital to the
consolidated revenue fund to support core government services.

ICBC Projects $605 Million in Net Income For Upcoming Years

Included in the BC Government’s Budget released today was ICBC’s Service Plan for 2012-2014.  At the conclusion of this document ICBC released their income forecast for 2012-2014.  ICBC projects a total of $605 Million Net Income over the next three years:

This is so despite ICBC’s “transfer of excess Optional capital to the government” and the fact that “investment income is forecast to be lower than historical results“.
Projections like this are a good reminder for the rest of Canada that a full tort system can operate, profitably at that, and consumers should not be scared into being stripped of their right to sue when harmed through the carelessness of others due to a perceived “insurance crisis” or other tort reform rhetoric.
In fact, the BC system is so profitable for ICBC that not only has the Government raided ICBC’s coffers for hundreds of millions of dollars in recent years, the Governments current budget specifically looks to the Insurer for contribution to general revenue with plans on taking $146 Million from ICBC in 2012.