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Tag: Cameron v. Hsu

$40,000 Non-Pecuniary Damage Assessment For Chronic Grade 2 Whiplash

Reasons for judgement were released last week by the BC Supreme Court, Kamloops Registry, assessing damages caused by a motor vehicle collision.
In last week’s case (Cameron v. Hsu) the Plaintiff was injured in a 2008 collision.  The Plaintiff was rear-ended and pushed into the vehicle ahead of him.  Fault for the crash was admitted by the Defendant focusing the trial on quantum of damages.  The Plaintiff sustained a Grade 2 Whiplash Associated Disorder as a result of the collision.   His symptoms continued at the time of trial some three years following the crash.  In assessing non-pecuniary damages at $40,000 Madam Justice Hyslop provided the following reasons:

[85] I have concluded that Mr. Cameron did suffer neck and shoulder injuries as a result of the accident. As a result of these injuries he suffered headaches. Those appear to no longer occur or are infrequent.

[86] I also conclude that these injuries caused Mr. Cameron difficulties in certain seasons at which time Mr. Cameron sought physiotherapy to resolve the symptoms.

[87] I have also concluded and take into consideration in assessing Mr. Cameron’s claim for pain and suffering that Mr. Cameron, at the outset, had a tendency to “myofascial pain in the neck and upper shoulders” [Dr. Laidlow] several years before the 2007 accident. I also conclude that before this accident that Mr. Cameron’s injuries from the 2007 accident were resolved. I also conclude that Mr. Cameron has resisted doing exercises designed to assist or improve the mobility and flexibility in his neck and in the area of his upper shoulder…

[99] Mr. Cameron, at the time of the trial, continued to suffer from tightness in the shoulder and neck beyond that of his pre-existing condition. Mr. Cameron did not lose time at work and he never thought he should do so or would do so. Mr. Cameron, as confirmed by the evidence of his father, sought medical treatment only when there was something wrong. The evidence is that Mr. Cameron has difficulty with his neck and shoulder when doing office work and not when working on-site and in good weather.

[100] Mr. Cameron chose not to pursue exercise as recommended by Dr. Laidlow and his physiotherapist, so it is difficult to determine the progress he would have made had he done so. Taking that into consideration, I award Mr. Cameron general damages in the amount $40,000.00 for pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life.