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ICBC’s “Meat Chart” Payments for Shoulder and Arm Amputations Under Monopoly No Fault Insurance

Earlier I discussed how ICBC’s ‘permanent impairment regulation’ works under no-fault insurance and how woeful some of the payments are.  I’ve decided to do a series of posts highlighting this pitiful numbers for the various injuries so British Columbians can better understand how poorly serious injuries are treated.  This will be the first in a series of posts.  Today I’ll discuss Shoulder and Arm Amputations.

To jog your memory, under the “permanent impairment regulation” if you suffer an injury with a ‘permanent impairment’ you are entitled to a lump sum.  But the sums are grotesquely low.  Here’s how it works.

A figure of $167,465 is the starting point.  Then, depending on your specific injury, (and remember, for many of these we are talking about not just the injury but those that have not recovered and are not expected to in the future) a fraction of this is awarded.

Let’s apply these figures to Shoulder and Arm amputations.

Item Column 1
Shoulder or arm amputation
Column 2
1 Forequarter amputation 60%
2 Shoulder disarticulation 56%
3 Above-elbow amputation proximal third of the humerus 54%
(a) middle third of the humerus
(b) distal third of the humerus, or
(c) both the middle third and distal third of the humerus


For forequarter amputation 60% = $100,479

For Shoulder disarticulation 56% = $93,780

For Above-elbow amputation (proximal third of the humerus) 54% = $90,431

For the remaining above-elbow amputations 52% = $87,081